Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Love Is Like To Ice - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1153 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2018/12/29 Category Poetry Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Tags: Poem Essay Renaissance Essay Did you like this example? The poem makes me sympathize with the persona as I read it through. The statement,Ice which is congealed with the senseless cold should kindle fire by wonderful device makes a revelation how much the persona struggles but he is still never understood. This part makes me feel the sadness that the author has due to moments of being let down despite his manifestation of love to her. When I relate all the struggles that the persona has, the sonnet makes me sad and full of sympathy. The poem was written during the Renaissance period; the age of the likes of Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare and Sir Philip Sidney among others. This period was characterized by significant minds who produced the best literary work in history. Their pieces of work especially the poem were masterpieces. The work of these writers in this era has however undergone severe alterations and changes thus the efforts to acquire the original information at that time has proved to excessively challenging. Various kinds of poems ranging from epic to ballad gained fame among writers and audience in the form of manuscripts, recitations and prints between 1509; the period when Henry viii reigned to 1660 when the commonwealth came to an end. The poets of this era observed the era of early modern history, how turbulent it was and measured it regarding glorious allegorical past. The poets then started focusing on human desires as well as the elementary matters of distinctiveness and prejudice. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "My Love Is Like To Ice" essay for you Create order The literary work devised at this period was characterized by various qualities such as detachment, play, mockery, disdain, entreaty and intense self-scrutiny among others. These qualities matured with time in the work of different writers. However, Renaissance poetry is divided into 2; the Tudor period of 1485-1603 and the Stuart period of 1603-1649. The boundary of Stuart and Tudor period poetry is critical in explaining the challenging epic and sonnet by innumerable poetic apprehensions such as devout poetry and satire. This helps in expounding on and accounting for the growing assertion onstrong lines existing in various minds and work of poets based on the writing styles employed. The dissections can, however, barricade the observation of similarities that exist between different writers who are said to share various correspondences as portrayed in the areas they explore in their work as well as the styles of writing employed. The poetic work of renaissance period is extraordina ry when we talk about its quality, emotional complexity, rhetorical genius, variety and depth. Spenser; the prince of the poet in his time travelled far and wide. He worked in various posts and was well educated. He also admired other peoples work. His best poet was Geoffrey Chaucer. This means that for a person to be a great writer, he must be able to express himself and also have experience with various issues in life that form the subject of his work. Just like Spenser, one must be willing to carry out his passion regardless of being involved in other duties. One must also be willing to explore areas of interest to the people in the best way possible to capture the audience interest, and attention since every work that one does is intended to impress the people. It would, therefore, be a great loss to explore areas that are never captivating. The theme of this poem is how uneven love can be. The pet has used various stylistic devices to bring out the theme in the best way possible. Being a Sensperian sonnet, the poem has a rhymes scheme of abab bcbc cdcd ee. The title of the poem is numbered sonnet since this is one of the many poems that Spenser made. The bit in parenthesis indicates a contrast that exists between words and even emotions. Spenser tries to deliver the message of how uneven love can be to the reader. Through the use of words and rhymes, he explains to the readers that despite the differences in feelings between two people, love will always shade your sanities of veracity and erroneous. Simile as a form of imagery is employed in the poem to convey the authors message. The figurative form of language is used to stress the disparity of ice and fire.My love is like to ice and I to fire is a direct simile that in imagery form tries to explain the disparity existing between the feeling and emotions of two persons (line 1). Consonance and assonance are found in the sounds that have been repeated thus being able to make an emphasis on the images that the writer desires to trail. There is the use of theth sound in line two that helps in penetrating through the fancies of the reader thus depicting the punitive aspects of the cold. A wide variety of emotions are expressed in the poem. The beginning of the poem is used to as a mien of exasperation that the writer has in his present state. The author in the second stanza wonders why he is not understood despite the efforts that he puts to make her happy. His worries are because, despite everything that he does, he is always let down. The final stanza shows a shift in emotions where he states the message of the poem. He states that love is strong enough to blind a persons senses of right and wrong. This statement is used to show the intense emotions that he has and indicates that despite what happens, he still loves her so much. This work is a masterpiece that should be admired by the present day audience. It should provide an insight into the fields that when explored capture the audience the most. The present-day audience should learn that the fields explored during the renaissance times are not so different from what is explored in the current era. The only variance is the disparity in the language used and the manner in which the message is communicated. However, this work is equally or even more attractive than the writings of the current era. Present day audience should therefore not ignore the work done at this time since it is rather more entertaining than they can even fathom. The work of Edmund Spenser is from the renaissance time. That alone made me despise the work so much. I thought the message in work would be rather vague and so archaic for me to understand. However, when I read the poem, I realized that this piece of work is one of the most entertaining poems that I have ever come across. The styles of writing are perfectly employed and the message communicated is flawless. The manner in which the message has been communicated is unbelievably touching. At the end of it, this work changed the way I viewed the work done at ancient times and made me gain interest in exploring more of this kind of work made in the renaissance and classical periods.

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Articles Of Confederation From A New Constitution

The aim of this paper is to talk about the different actions taken to replace the Articles of Confederation to bring about a new Constitution. I will first start out by giving some background on the Article of Confederation as to what it was and why it was important for the US? Secondly, I will provide the reader with some of the strengths and weaknesses of the Article of Confederation. Why did the Article of Confederation fail? Third, I will talk about the actions that were taken to replace the Article of Confederation and how these actions were worked out. Then, I will give some introduction about the new constitution that would be put in action in place of the article of Confederation. How was it different from the Article of†¦show more content†¦Finally, I will sum up the paper and restate my introduction in form of a conclusion. The aim of this paper is to talk about the different actions taken to replace the Articles of Confederation to bring about a new Constitution. The Articles of Confederation was the first written constitution of the United States that was adopted on November 15, 1777. It was sent out to the states to be ratified on November 15, 1777. The Articles of Confederation was ratified and They reserved to each state and not to the national government. The national government consisted of a congress with only one chamber that was elected by the state legislature in which each state had a vote. Congress had the right to request funds but could not put taxes on things without every state’s approval. Lastly, an approval was required by all states to ratify the articles. The articles gave the states all the freedom and United States just had few right overall. The Articles of Confederation only lasted eight years and was replaced by the US Constitution on March 4, 1789. There were many strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The Department of Treasury, the department of Postal Service and the Department of Foreign Affairs were formed under the Article of Confederation. Articles was the first written constitution of the United States. Under the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Argue On Hostile Takeovers Free Essays

Lisa Newton argues against hostile takeovers and has many rational reasons backing her point. Takeovers in the past overall have not proven effective nor have they been monetarily beneficial to either the company or the society involved. Corporations are ruined and people, even families, are hurt. We will write a custom essay sample on Argue On Hostile Takeovers or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this paper, I will argue against hostile takeovers for these reasons from the standpoint of a utilitarian. Utilitarianism is the â€Å"moral doctrine that we should always act to produce the greatest possible balance of good over bad for everyone affected by our action.† (Shaw Barry, 59) Actions are evaluated according to their consequences and look to maximize happiness. The view is long-term not just immediately. A hostile corporate takeover is not a positive thing through the eyes of a utilitarian for several reasons. To begin with, the idea of a possible takeover has degenerating effects on a company. â€Å"At the first level there is disruption and millions of dollars† worth of unproductive expense.† (Newton, 189) Effectiveness and productive activity at the upper levels of management comes to a stop and systematical planning disappears. Employees become apprehensive about the security of their jobs and end up spending a majority of their time speculating or searching for another job. It takes a toll on everyone involved in that they feel dishonored or belittled. Utilitarians would argue this is not a moral action since it harms the majority of the people. It is not the greatest good for the greatest number. It may immediately (short-term) benefit those who have done the takeover and those in higher up positions. However, in the long run it may not benefit even anyone. The early results of hostile takeover activity are combined with unnecessary and unwise business practices. The takeover has two destructive effects on corporate†s management. Equity is transformed into debt, leaving the company without protection. Being desperate, management may begin to look for short-term profits and impose by force aggressive actions not previously acted upon. This is deceiving to stockholders since they see high returns and stock prices even though the company does not have a good level of steadiness or security. It also harms the overall society since they usually depend on these large corporations for income and employment. Companies are willing to pay high takeover prices that they engage in severe cost-cutting at every level and at any cost. This sometimes even includes eliminating those who are important in maintaining operations, which is never a good move for the company as a whole. These people will probably have a problem finding other jobs since higher level positions are usually held by people who have been at the company for an extended length of time and are therefore older than others would want a new employee to be at a starting position. The basis of this issue revolves around money and does not consider those individuals involved. The corporate economy is at the mercy of the American dollar. People have become engrossed with making money that they sometimes forget they are dealing with other human beings. The takeover of a corporation may benefit those who are now in charge but not many others involved. Society winds up helping those newly unemployed and sometimes even the company itself. There are no laws to protect or help those who may one day be involved in a hostile takeover. These people have rights since they have contributed a lot of time, effort and even money towards the growth of the company. A corporation is nothing by itself; it is made up of the people with whom it employs. Human needs are not noticed by business practice and they hardly receive the justice deserved. Hostile takeovers are â€Å"harmful to corporate stakeholders, the economy, and the general public.† (Newton, 188) The law should restrict or even prohibit them, which is currently does not. There usually is no protection or justice for those involved. There are laws for anything and everything else to supposedly protect individuals, so why not this? Most often the result is not positive. Individuals are hurt and the corporation is usually killed in the end. More people must argue that the corporation is a moral individual just like others. The reality is that people frequently expect more from takeover defenses than they can deliver. It is rare that any defenses are backed by common sense and critical business strategy, which could help resist a pursuer and help control the terms of the deal. â€Å"As a matter of right, and as a matter of utility, the takeover game should be ended.† (Newton, 194) How to cite Argue On Hostile Takeovers, Essay examples